Monday 10 September 2012

Four Weeks to Go and Exciting Announcements!

Today, I’m 26 days out from the competition! Where does the time go?? This past week has flown by, especially since I suddenly became super busy at work (which is both a blessing and a curse!). Now, hopefully, things will settle down a little, because it’s time to kick things into high gear! Time to start booking all those little details (like tanning, waxing, hair, and eyelashes) and really buckle down and concentrate on my posing! (I worked through a lot of lunch breaks last week, so I haven’t even put my posing shoes on in what feels like ages!)

On the plus side, my body seems to have finally adapted to my diet. Even though it’s changing every so often (Layne’s been upping my carbs every couple of weeks to slow down the weight loss and keep my metabolism stoked), I’ve finally gotten to the point where I’m not as hungry anymore! There have even been a few days when it’s felt like I’ve had to almost force down my last meal of the day. I’ve even actually felt really full after a few meals, which is even more exciting! As long as this doesn’t mean my metabolism is slowing down, I’m all for it! It will make the last few weeks of dieting so much more enjoyable!

Speaking of the last few weeks…after seeing my progress pictures last Saturday, Layne informed me that I’m about 2-3 lb away from being stage-ready! After having lost 18 lb since I started 8 weeks ago, this definitely sounds like a very attainable goal! And since my bikini and competition jewelry arrived on Friday, I’m definitely starting to feel more ready! (PS. Everything looks great!!! My suit is going to look fantastic onstage!)

I also have some other exciting announcements to make! Since there are a few, I think I’ll have to list them!

1. I just found out tickets for the Muscle Beach Fall Classic (my first competition) are on sale and can be found at the Winspear Centre website! They are $27 each for the morning show at 9:00 and $42-65 for the evening show at 6:00, if anyone is interested in coming to cheer me on (or heckle me)!

2. I think I will be competing in the WBFF competition in Edmonton on October 13 (exactly a week later). I am not registered yet, but since I’ve come all this way, what’s another week? I hear this show is bigger and more light-hearted, so if anyone wants to see me there, it’s being held at the Citadel, and tickets can be found on their website ($41.98 per ticket for prejudging at 10:30 and $73.50 for the evening show at 6:00). This WBFF show has an evening gown component and (if I do the Fitness Model category as well) a themewear round!

3.  I booked my flight to Las Vegas for Olympia weekend! This is one of the biggest expos and competitions in fitness and bodybuilding, so I’m very excited to take it all in, watch my first bikini competition, and meet all of my fitness idols (including my coach!)! It will take place a week before my first competition, so it will definitely give me some excellent motivation to push through the last week!

4. I have a few photo shoots booked with some awesome photographers, both in Vegas and in Edmonton! I decided when I began that I’m either in or I’m out, so I jumped in with both feet! And if I decide that competing isn’t for me, I want to at least have some really fabulous pictures to show for it!

So many exciting things are coming up way too quickly! It will be a whirlwind month for sure, so I’ll have to make sure I slow down and really appreciate and enjoy each experience!

My comparison pictures from 12 weeks out to 8 weeks out to 4 weeks out (the next comparison pictures will include my final stage look!):

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