Saturday, 16 March 2013

12 Weeks Out!

So here we are again! Twelve weeks out from another competition! I actually wasn’t entirely sure I was going to do this competition, for a few reasons:

  1. I’ve been really enjoying my “off” (muscle-building) season and eventually do want to compete in figure. But until I have “enough” muscle for it (so I won’t look like a twig on stage next to the other girls), I have a long way to go. I feel I’ve built a lot over these past months, but seeing as I was “too small” for bikini last time, I’m probably just about right now, especially once I start leaning down.
  2. As much as I LOVED working with Layne (and I’m so thankful that he got me in such good condition for my first show and BOOSTED my metabolism, unlike many coaches out there!), I cherish the freedom that working on my own gives me. If I want to manipulate my macros a certain way, I can try it out. If I want to try a new pattern of eating (as of last week, I’ve been following an IF split of 14/10. That’s probably information for another blog, but if you’re interested, check out Leangains. I’ve really been enjoying it so far, although I think it’s too soon to see any real changes), I’m free to do so. I like the idea of experimenting with my own body to see what works and how it works for me. But I’m not sure this experimenting is necessarily a wise thing to do when there’s a deadline to be reached.
  3. I’m not as concrete with my goals as I should be. What do I want to get out of this? It’s certainly not to win any cheap trophies (although I’ll admit that I really want to place better than I did last time!). Do I want to model? Do I want to train/coach others? Do I want to write? (Yes!!!) Or should I just leave this as a hobby of mine? Without these goals cemented in place, I feel unsure of whether—and how—I should proceed.

However, I have these arguments in favour of competing:

  1. I’ve had two posing seminars now with an incredible IFBB pro, Amanda Johnston. Her posing is very elegant and proves that you don’t have to be a bouncy, cheerleadery poser to win a bikini competition (thank God!!! A lot of girls pose way too “sexy” for my taste. Even though girls are in bikinis on stage, they DON’T have to look “easy”—to avoid using a more derogatory word—to place well!!). This made me so much more comfortable continuing on in bikini.
  2. I found the PERFECT suit! I won’t show you until the show, but it is incredible! (And definitely feels very “me” than my last suit did)
  3. I booked a shoot with THE leading photographer in the fitness industry in Toronto (which also means I’ll be going to Toronto at the end of May). I figured I should give it a shot. If things go well (he’s launched the careers of many fitness models), we’ll see where it takes me. If nothing comes out of it besides a cartload of great pictures, I’m OK with that too, but I’ll know I’ve tried my best! And if I’m already going to be in great shape in June, why not compete in Red Deer on the 8th and Calgary on the 29th?

These were the arguments going on in my head. In the end, my reasons for not doing a show were (and are) just excuses. There are tons of clichéd sayings like “A man who fully considers all angles before taking a step will forever be standing on one foot” or “An imperfect plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed tomorrow,” which definitely make a valid point. Just go for it, don’t quit, and figure out the details along the way. It’s a heck of a lot better than standing around and in three months, have nothing to show for it!

So there we have it! Twelve weeks out from the Southern Alberta Bodybuilding Championships, and I’m excited! I don’t have as much to lose this time, weight-wise (I weigh less than I did when I started prepping last time, and I’m not going to get down to 102 lb like last time. I’m thinking around 105-110 will be good, but I’ll have to see what I look like at that point), so it is a LITTLE more relaxed. Plus, since I’m doing my own diet, I’m allowing myself some flexibility as well. Wish me luck, and hold me accountable! I’ll be posting progress pictures as I go along as well!

Wishing all of my beautiful readers good health as well! There are only three months until summer, in case anyone feels motivated to join me in getting shredded!